Month: May 2013
Account Assignment, Notice to Debtor TO: __________________ ______________________ ______________________ Re: Your account with __________________________ Your account with __________________ has been transferred to _______________ (“New Party”). Effective immediately, all payments …
Partnership Agreement This Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) made and effective this ___________ (Date), by and between the following individuals, referred to in this Agreement as the “Partners”: _____________________________________________________________________. The Partners …
Notice to Tenant to Leave or Pay To: ________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Re: ________________________ Rental due for the premises described above are due for monthly, in a total amount of …
Life Insurance Policy, Collection by Executor Re: Estate of: ___________________ Date of Death: __________________ Social Security Number: __________ To Whom It May Concern: I am the Executor of the …
UNIFORM LIVING WILL OF ________________________________ To my family, my physician, my lawyer, my clergyman. To any medical facility in whose care I happen to be. To any individual who …