Category: Banking & Collections
Collection Agency Agreement _____________________________, referred to as AGENCY and _____________________________, referred to as CLIENT, agree: AGENCY represents that it is properly licensed, bonded, with a capable and trained (if …
Debtor, Partial Payment on Account Date: Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your demand for payment regarding: ___________________. Enclosed is a payment of $0.00 to be applied to …
Debtor Request for Certified Statement from Secured Party TO: ________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Attention: __________________ FROM: ______________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Attention: __________________ Dated: ___________________________ Pursuant to Section 9-208 of …
Debt Settlement Letter, from Debtor Date: Settlement Talks Only Name of Creditor (Person to Whom Debt is Owed) Address: Dear Sir or Madam: I refer to our recent discussion, …
Debit Your Account, Repetitive Authorization Date: Dear Sir or Madam: You are authorized and directed to debit our Account, named ____________, with our bank account number: ______________, for $ …