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Credit Reference

Free Printable Credit Reference FormFree Printable Credit Reference Form

This review list is offered to educate you about the document and to aid you in preparing it. Keeping a file of strong credit references is a good idea at all times. It is particularly critical in commercial contexts. The perfect time to make one of these queries is when a vendor or supplier expresses an interest in doing business with you. Then request it.


Maintain a file of credit references for future reference. Follow-up with a phone call, not a letter. Bear in mind that you are not dunning them. You are “inquiring” about them. As a firm, you should conduct this procedure in a systematic fashion at least once a year. After reviewing the reports, you’ll know who to contact.

Credit Reference


Dear ________________:

As we discussed on the phone today, please send a credit reference to: ___________________ and a copy to us.

For your reference:

Name on our account with you:
Our account number is

Please contact let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.

Best regards,

Credit Reference
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about the document in question and assist you in its preparation. Keeping a collection of good credit references is always a good idea. It is especially important in business situations. The best way to initiate one of these requests is when a vendor or supplier “wants” something from you. Then ask for it.

Keep a file of credit references for use when required. Follow-up by phone, not letter. Remember you are not dunning them. You are “asking” them. As a business, you should do this in an orderly manner at least once a year. When you review the reports, you will know whom to use.

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  1. Abigail Wilson
  2. Madison Moore
  3. Elizabet Taylor
  4. Emma Smith
  5. Ava Brown
  6. Mia Davis
  7. Sophia Johnson
  8. Emily Miller
  9. Olivia Williams
  10. Isabella Jones

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