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Life Sustaining Statute, Maine

Free Printable Life Sustaining Statute, Maine FormFree Printable Life Sustaining Statute, Maine Form

Life Sustaining Statute, Maine

A Life Sustaining Statute or a uniform living will is a legal document written by someone who is diagnosed with an illness that may be difficult to cure or has a chance to become a terminal illness. A life sustaining statute or uniform living will states the wishes of the person who is ill. It states what they would want to happen in the case that their illness does become terminal or that they pass the point of no return. This document states the types of medications he will be restricted to and from. It also states that if the person decided to prolong or shorten his or her life, that he or she did it willingly, of sound mind, has been informed of possible treatments and procedures, and understands all legal implications of his or her decisions. The document is generally written (this may vary among states) with the writer’s signature, City of residence, County of residence, State of residence, Social Security Number, the Date it was signed, and the names of the witnesses present during this event. It is then presented to a notary public for notarization and publishing. Finally, you are encouraged to keep multiple copies. Make sure that theses can be accessible with your doctor, lawyer, and family members.

A life sustaining statute is generally legal in most states and will generally be enforce and made in the presence of witnesses and a notary public. There is a general format when it come to life sustaining statutes but the details may differ depending on the state you are in. In the state of Maine, it is a general legal form.

Declaration Provided by Maine Revised Statutes Title 22 Section 2922
If I should have an incurable or irreversible condition that will cause my death within a short time, and if I am unable to participate in decisions regarding my medical treatment, I direct my attending physician to withhold or withdraw procedures that merely prolong the dying process and are not necessary to my comfort or freedom from pain.

Signed this _____________ day of _______________________________
date month year
Signature ______________________________________________

The Declarant is known to me and voluntarily signed this document in my presence.
Witness ________________________________________________



Witness ________________________________________________


Declaration Provided by Maine Revised Statutes Title 22 Section 2922
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This simple Life Sustaining Declaration is valid in Maine. Check with a local hospital or doctor’s office, as well as with an experienced medical attorney, to assure yourself of its compliance with current statute (s) in your state.

1. Make multiple copies. Give one to your doctor (s), the local hospital, and have others available through your attorney and family. Remember, these kinds of documents are needed in emergency situations at worst and under stressful circumstances at best. So be sure they are available to the appropriate people easily, when needed.

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