This review list is offered to give you with information about the document in question and to aid you in its preparation. This is a basic Notice of Meeting form that may be customized for a range of business purposes, including special meetings and regular meetings.
Make several copies. Ascertain that they are sent to the most up-to-date addresses you have for all relevant parties. If in doubt, expand the mailing list to include all potential subscribers
A meeting of the _______ of ________________ will be held at __________________, __________________ on __________________ at __________________.
The record date for shareholding will be __________________.
Dated: _______________________________________
Corporate Secretary
Notice of Meeting
Review ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is a standard Notice of Meeting form that can be adapted for a variety of corporate purposes, such as special meetings, regular meetings, and the like.
1. Make multiple copies. Be sure they are mailed to the best addresses you have for all relevant parties. If in doubt, broaden the mailing list to encompass all interested parties.
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