Category: Partnerships
Power of Attorney for Partnership STATE OF ________ COUNTY OF _______ The undersigned constituting all of the general partners of the _________________ limited partnership, appoint _________________ to act as …
Tax Matters Partner Designated STATE OF ______________ COUNTY OF _____________ _________________, a limited partnership, with its principal place of business at ___________, __________, designates ______________, a general partner of …
Payment Methods & Requirements Regarding Partnership This is written to inform you as a prospective Limited Partner about the financial terms of the Partnership. This is an informal notice. …
Escrow Agreement Prior to Final Setup of Partnership The undersigned consisting of all of the general and limited partners of ____________, a limited partnership agree: That on ____________ a …
General Partner Agreement to be Full Time __________________________________________, constituting all of the limited partners of ___________________, a limited partnership, and _________________________________, constituting all of the general partners of ___________________, …