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Power Of Attorney, Revocation, Simple

Free Printable Power Of Attorney, Revocation, Simple FormFree Printable Power Of Attorney, Revocation, Simple Form

Revocation of Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is the legal power you can give to a representative, usually a family member or a trusted individual. A power of Attorney is usually given to a selected individual in the occurrence of events such as: mental incompetence or absence. When an individual is given a Power of Attorney, they then become your attorney-in-fact or agent and may now make decisions for you. You may be able to give a trusted individual power over your financial matter such as tax paying or banking matters.

To be able to legally appoint a representative as your attorney-in-fact, you will need to sign and complete a fill-in-the-blank form which is usually a few pages long. In order for this form to manifest you must sign it in front of a notary public or in some states, witnesses.

A Power of Attorney ends when you declare so, you may be able to state a date as to when the Power of Attorney ends. Your Power of Attorney also ends if you revoke it, and you may be able to revoke it for a number of reasons such as: taking back full control over a business, wanting to appoint a new person to become an agent, divorce, or you are no longer absent and can make your own decisions. As long as you are mentally competent for these situations, the discontinuance will be granted. Finally, the Power of Attorney naturally ends at your death, which means that they will have no power over what is stated in the legal documents unless you mention them in your will as an “executor.”

Revocation of Power of Attorney

I, __________________, herewith:

revoke that certain power of attorney, dated _______, 20___, naming _______________ as my attorney in fact.

Dated: __________________________






My Commission Expires:

Revocation of Power of Attorney
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is a simple revocation that can promptly revoke a Power of Attorney you have given out. As a practical matter, get all the copies of the earlier Power of Attorney back in your possession.

1. Make multiple copies. Be sure everyone that originally got the Power of Attorney being revoked gets a copy of this document.

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