Month: February 2014
Credit Denial Notice __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Dated: ___________________ Dear __________________________: Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, we are required to notify you that we have declined your application …
Charter Agreement This charter agreement made this date, ______________________, made between ___________________, Owner and ________________, Charterer. Owner charters the vessel named ___________, with registration number, ___________, subject to the …
Declaration of Intention Provided by Mississippi Withdrawal of Life Saving Mechanisms Act, Mississippi Code 41-41-107 DECLARATION made on ___________ by ___________________ of ____________, _______________. I, ________________, being of sound …
Assignment of Equipment Lease This Assignment of Equipment Lease (“Assignment”) is made as of _______________ (Date) by and between ___________________________ Original Lessee (“Assignor”) of _______________________________ (Address) and ___________________________ New …
Statutory Declaration in Conformance with Wyoming Living Will Law. Wyoming Statutes 35-22-102 DECLARATION OF _______________________ Declaration made this __________ day of ______________ 20_____. I, ________________, being of sound mind, …