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Debtor Request For Certified Statement From Secured Party

Free Printable Debtor Request For Certified Statement From Secured Party FormFree Printable Debtor Request For Certified Statement From Secured Party Form

This review list is offered to help you learn more about the document in question and prepare it. This is a request from a debtor to a secured party for the secured party to certify the specific amount owed from the debtor. This is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including the benefit of your financial statements and, if applicable, your auditors.


  1. Make several copies. Keep one in your financial file, one in the file of the secured party, and one in a follow-up file.

Debtor Request for Certified Statement from Secured Party

TO: ________________________

Attention: __________________

FROM: ______________________

Attention: __________________
Dated: ___________________________

Pursuant to Section 9-208 of the Uniform Security Code, ____________________, as debtor, requests that the Secured Party, __________________________, provide:

A statement of account, indicating the aggregate amount of unpaid indebtedness as of _______________________. Approval of the following statement of collateral as constituting a correct statement of the collateral claimed by Secured Party as of ______________________.

See Exhibit “1” to this form.

The statement above is (check one):

__ Accepted as correct

__ Incorrect, our corrections or response are attached hereto
Dated: ____________________________________
________________________, by:
An Authorized Officer
Title: ___________________________________________

_________________________, by:


An Authorized Officer

Title: _____________________________________

Debtor Request for Certified Statement from Secured Party
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is request from a debtor to secured party to certify the exact amount then due from debtor. This is useful for a variety of reasons, among them for the benefits of your financial statements and your auditors, should you have them.

1. Make multiple copies. Put one in your financial file, another in the secured party’s file, and the other in a follow-up file.

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