This review list is intended to educate you on the subject of this document and to aid you in its preparation. We urge that you copy the party against whom the judgment is being enforced to aid in collection. This is a purely tactical decision based on the approach agreed upon between the Judge and the new Assignee.
- Make numerous copies for your records.
Judgment Assignment
________________, referred to as JUDGMENT HOLDER, and _________________, referred to as ASSIGNEE, agree:
On ________________________, JUDGMENT HOLDER recovered a judgment against _________________, in the _________________, case number __________________, in the original principal amount of $_____ (__________________ & ___/100 dollars).
JUDGMENT HOLDER assigns said judgment to ASSIGNEE without recourse or guarantee of payment.
JUDGMENT HOLDER agrees to execute any further documents which may be required to perfect this assignment.
Dated: ________________
________________ Judgment Holder______________________________
_________________ Assigneecc Party against whom the Judgment is held
Judgment Assignment
Review ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. We recommend you copy the party whom the judgment is held against to help promote collection. This is a strictly tactical decision based on the strategy worked out between the Judgment holder and the new Assignee.
1. Make multiple copies for your records.
looove it 😀
amazing, lovely job, sweetie thank you for sharing your template
wonderful sample form, i love it
Beautifully done. Im printing it know.
This is stunning!
Awesome. Well done sir.
So beautiful template