Category: Family & Children
Power of Attorney, Simple _______________________________________________________________, the “parent”” of _____________________________________________________________, herewith appoints ______________________________ of _____________________________, as their attorney in fact, to act in the place and stead and with the …
Enrollment, Confirmation of Dear Registrar: Please send written confirmation that _______________ (Name) has been formally enrolled as a full-time student at ________________ (Institution) for the following period, _____________________________. This …
Death Certificate, Request for Date: To: Whom It May Concern: Please forward to my attention a certified death certificate for: Exact Name: Date of Death: Town or City of …
Birth Certificate, Request for Date: To: Whom It May Concern: Please forward to my attention a certified birth certificate for: Exact Name: Date of Birth: Town or City of …
Trip Permission Slip ______________, referred to as PARENT, is the parent and lawful guardian of ____________, a minor, and agrees: _______________________ is organizing a trip for the purpose of: …